Project update: CFD
CFD, FlettnerFLEET and MS “Annika Braren” Every kind of aerodynamic research of surface vessels is generally carried out numerically at HSVA. Usually, either purely statistical approaches (Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes, URANS) or hybrid, statistical and...
Windship Insights – Flettnerrotor
Windship Insights – Der Flettnerrotor im Fokus Emissionen in der Schifffahrt zu reduzieren, ist das Gebot der Stunde. Einen wichtigen Beitrag können Wind(zusatz)antriebe leisten, denn die Potentiale der Windenergienutzung in der Schifffahrt sind enorm. Im Rahmen der...
Project update: measurement systems and data acquisition
Measurement systems and data acquisition at “MS Annika Braren” successfully installed and running To study the efficiency of the Flettner Rotor within the FlettnerFLEET project, it is essential to know the incoming and representative wind conditions of the ship as...
Status-Update FlettnerFLEET
In recent months, lots of things have been initiated and set in motion in the consortium: initial ship designs, CFD studies of surface ship aerodynamics, optimisation of the Flettner rotors in the wind tunnel, measurement data acquisition on various Flettner rotor...